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18m Windy SLR60 Chaseboat

Client Purchase Technical & Commercial Support

Project Overview:
Collaborating with a client team, comprising senior crew and family office, to identify, validate and secure the build slot for an 18m chaseboat new-build project in support of global superyacht operations.

Our Role:
Engaged by the client team, our mission was to ensure informed decisions were made on technical and commercial aspects, providing reassurance to the client team and the end-user client before proceeding to contract.

Vessel Identification:
The Windy SLR60 was identified as a suitable platform, aligning closely with the overall brief offering proven performance and a shorter lead-time compared to other market options or the custom design and build process.

Scope of Work:
Once identified, our role involved working with the crew and shipyard to fine-tune the project to meet client-specific operational needs. Key focus areas included:

- Guest and Crew Comfort: Ensuring an optimal experience for both guests and crew over long distances.

- Redundancy and Reliability: Enhancing dependability for extended operations based on equipment choice and design input.

- Ease of Maintenance: Simplifying upkeep over prolonged periods in potentially remote locations.

Structured Approach:
Our support spanned several key project areas leading up to contract signature:

1. Brief Definition: Clarifying the requirements and expectations for both the end-user client and crew.

2. Specification and Design Review: Evaluating the build specification and design aspects to ensure alignment with the overall brief.

3. Shipyard Visit: Conducting an on-site assessment to validate yard capabilities and build quality.

4. Inspections and Sea Trials: Testing sister-vessels to gauge performance and suitability.

5. Market Research: Gathering feedback from existing crew members and yachting professionals to help the decision making process.

6. Regulation/Flag Research: Investigating regulatory requirements to ensure alignent with build standards, potential commercial operation and client registration preferences.

7. Contract and Documentation Review: Supporting the client team and legal advisors to achieve balanced terms from a commercial and contractual perspective.

Project References:
“Cyril and Charles, The contract is signed, thank you very much for your help and your involvement in this project which I am sure will be a success.” Senior Crew Member

“Good evening Cyril and Charles. Thank you very much for your intervention. It was essential. Thank you also for your reactivity and availability, this was very much appreciated.” Client Family Office

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